Key members


Hassan ismail dawoud

Chairman of the Board

Hassan Ismail Dawoud is a seasoned professional with a diverse range of skills and experience in the fields of risk management, treasury operations, and capital markets. Hassan has demonstrated exceptional dedication and expertise throughout his career.

Hassan completed his education at the Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Management Sciences with a focus on Banking.

With an impressive work history spanning over two decades, He has held various key positions in renowned organizations. Since January 2014, he has been serving as the Head of Market & ALM Risk at Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank – Egypt. In this role, Hassan manages the Market and Assets & Liabilities Risk function within the Risk Management sector.

Hassan has also served as a Board Member at the Egyptian Company for Valves (EVACO), contributing his expertise and insights to the company’s strategic decision-making processes.

Throughout his career, Hassan has continuously expanded his knowledge and skills through various courses and studies. He has earned certifications such as Certified Corporate Director, Six Sigma, Certified Risk Manager, and Certified Market Risk Professional (CMRP). Hassan has also completed courses in Project Finance Mastery, Enterprise Risk Management, and Treasury Products, among others.

Hassan is a highly motivated individual who excels both independently and as part of a team. He possesses excellent communication skills and is known for his problem-solving abilities and analytical mindset. With a strong work ethic and a dedication to achieving organizational goals, Hassan has established himself as a valuable asset in the financial industry.

mohamed mahmoud mohamed abd el-hady


I started working in the field of securities since 1995 for Al-Etihad Securities Brokerage Company until 1998 I started as an operations in the stock market and from 1998 to 2014 in Helwan Securities Brokerage Company I started as a branch manager until I reached the main managing director of the company and I had three managing members under my management and I was managing 850 employee then I moved to Solidere until 2016 and then the managing director of Egy Trend until 2019 and then the managing director of Acumen Holding until march 2023. Currently I’m the managing director of Cairo national for invest.
In 2001 I filtered out Shareholder Workers Union of Helwan cement company then in 2007 I participated in the restructuring of the Arab Contracting Company(AIC) and raised the company’s capital from 34 Million to 950 Million

mohamed takky abd el-rahman el-sayeh

board member

Mohamed Takky AI-Sayeh

– Born in Cairo, studied and grad uated from Faculty of Law- Cairo University in 1999.
– He began his carrier away from the field of law as HR. Officer at ‘Petrogas” Company.
– At March 2003, he joined the Legal Sector at NBD Bank as a lawyer.
– At 20 14, he became Contracts and legal advices manager at Abu Dhab iIslamic Bank – Egypt.
– At 2016, he was chosen as “Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee” at ADIB, and to deal with all internal investigations for 6 years.
– At July 20 20, he joined the ADIB’s HR. Sector as “Employee Relations & Personnel Manger”.
– At the end of 2021, he returned back to A DIB’s legal sector as “Head of Capital Market and Investment Banking”.
– At September 2022, he assumed the chairmanship of the BOD of ADIB Invest Company.
– At March 2023, he was chosen as Secretary of the General Assembly of ADIB.
– At October 2023, he was chosen as a representative of ADIB at Cairo National Company for Investments and Security BOD.
– He passed several training courses during his professional career, including: –

* “Banking Lawyer Certificate” (EBI) .

*  Professional Certificate in Legal Translat io n (AUC) .

*  Translation and Interpretation Certificate  (AUC) 

* “Professional Certificate in Corporate Governance” (EIOD)

mahmoud mohamed hussien el-semin

board member

hanaa mohamed gamal ahmed el-helaly

Board Member


Ms. El Hilaly is currently Executive Director/ Al Kheir Microfinance.
Non- Executive Chairman of Aspire Capital Holding Company.
Treasurer and member of the board of trustees of El Nidaa Foundation.
Member and one of the Founders of the Global Forum for Advisory Bodies for SDGs initiative of the German Council for Sustainable Development and UN DESA.
Member of the Advisory Board of “The Global Council for Women in the Banking Sector ,FinTech and Financial Services'”- Lafferty Group.
Member of the board of Trustees of:
“Egyptian SMES Association” “El Nidaa Foundation” “Arab Foundation for Young Scientists.” SMES advisor to the Arab Business Women Council Ms. El Hilaly is an advocate for SMEs development and Women Empowerment on all fronts.
Member of the SDGs club- Berlin an affiliate of the German Council for Sustainable Development.
Ms. Hanaa El Hilaly is the Former Acting Managing Director, and Director General of International Cooperation and Planning of the Social Fund for Development -Cabinet Of Ministers – Egypt (Currently the MSMEDA)(for over 13 years) mandated as an auton omous organization for Job Creation and Poverty Alleviation and Economic and Social Development on all fronts, and is a counterpart with International Donors for Resource Mobilization to finance development aspects.
Prior to SFD Ms. El Hilaly enjoyed experience for over 25 years in International, Regional and Local Banks in Areas of Marketing, Trade Finance, Wealth Management, Operations, Internal Control, Human Resources and Corporate Communications.
Member of the High Level “Independent Team of Advisers” on the Sustainable Development Dialogue with the United Nations – Economic and Social Council- UN ECOSOC- New York Member:
The Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs Core groups of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt:
“Women in Business Committee”, “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Committee”.
Chairperson of the International Cooperation committee and the Small and Micro Enterprises-SMEs Committee of the Canadian Egyptian Business Council CEBC.
Ms. El Hilaly is a long standing member of The American, Canadian and European Business Councils and Cham bers of Commerce in Egypt.
Ms.El Hilaly was awarded in March 2016 by His Excellency the Canadian Ambassador to Egypt for her achievements in Development, partnering with the Canadian International Development Agency “CIDA” for fostering SMES Development, SMES Strategy, and Business Development Systems “BDS” for SMES, Entrepreneurship Development and Econ om ic Empowerment of Women.
Ms. El Hilaly won an International Award on Middle East Level at a competition organized by International Arbitrators- Consultative Center for Arbitrators “CCA” by winning Jury and Public Votes in June 2016 for her Achievements in Development and Humanitarian Giving.
Ms.El HILALY was voted as one of the Top 50 business women in EGYPT Education:
Ms. El Hilaly holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from Cairo University , and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the American University in Cairo.
Ms. El Hilaly is a speaker and moderator at International, Regional and Local Conferences on SMEs, Poverty Reduction, Economic and Social Development, Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development topics.

wafaa helmy el-dars

Board Member

Wafaa El Dars, CAMS, Advanced CAMS Audit, CCGD, Wafaa has over 40 years of banking experience in multinational banks, (Citibank NA, American Express Bank, BCCM and Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB)) in addition to four years as the Senior Consultant to the Chairman of The Mortgage Finance Authority, Ministry Of Investment.
She has a wide banking experience in all Operations dept.’s, International & Local Corporate Audit, Compliance and Anti Money Laundering, Human Recourses & Training and Corporate Governance. She is the first Egyptian to be certified as an Anti Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) by the Association For Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialists, Miami, USA (ACAMS) and was lately certified as an Advanced CAMS Audit Specialist and is also a Certified Corporate Governance Director, by Risk Metrics Group USA & National Association Of Corporate Directors USA. One of the pioneering/ senior Compliance Oficers in the market. She initiated, with several Local Compliance Officers a Compliance Association/Committee that was officialized under the umbrella of the Federation of Egyptian Banks where she was elected as Head of the KYC Committee to help resolving Compliance and AML issues and developing Compliance Culture in local banks and initiating their compliance program when Compliance in banks was first initiated.
She has strong leadership skills and the ability to manage multiple projects and functions in more than one site and develop cross functional projects as appropriate, promoting and encouraging team work. Wafaa is experienced in “Change Management” and has a wide experienced in re-engineering and restructuring of the business transformation processes. Ability to study the work flow of all the products, man power needed and avoid redundancy if any and or breaks of control, set the control measures and ensure implementation of same, without sacrificing a high quality customer service, maintaining high performance, training potential staff for the business transformation without any disruption of the business and without any regulatory issues.
While with Citibank from 1976 till 1990, as a Resident Vice President, she headed all the different Operations departments, in addition to Treasury and Human Resources.
She advanced from clerk in the Operations Department to Resident Vice President Heading/ managing Customers Service, Money Market, Letters of Credit, Letters of Guarantee, Remittances, Loans, Collections, Data Center, General Internal Services, Financial Institutions and Corporate Business Segment Operations, Human Resources &Training and Treasury.
She was also the Regional Resident Auditor for Middle East and North Africa Region, responsible for Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Turkey and Sudan.
In Bank of Credit &Commerce Misr from 1990 to 1992 she headed the International Operations Department (Centralized Operations of 23 branches for Letters of Credit, Letters of Guarantee, Dealing Room, Reconciliation, Remittances, Test words and Expatriate Operations) she also started there as Audit Dept. Manager (In charge of auditing 23 Branches and also designing a Desk manual for the Auditors to use in their audits).
With American Express from 1992 till 2005, she was a Senior Director, where she advanced from being in charge of all Bank’s Operations to the Regional Compliance Officer, Regional Coordinator and Regional Human Resources and Training”. (Egypt, Gulf & Lebanon) and main member of Senior Management team.
She initiated the Compliance Department in 1992 when Money Laundering combating was in its first stages and was too new to the Egyptian market and thus faced a big challenge for the promotion of a Compliance Culture. She also volunteered to give anti-money laundering training to Local Banks through the Central Bank of Egypt Bank’s Institution through several sessions, attended by numerous delegates of 22 banks. Also Facilitated/ran several sessions for a two-day training for 35 banks, in anti-money laundering. Workshops were arranged by the Central Bank Bankers’ Institution.
From 2009 till July 2019 she was a Senior Vice President, Cluster Chief Compliance and Corporate Governance of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, Egypt (ADIB) and its subsidiaries and companies such as ADILEASE, ADICAPITAL, ADIHOLDING, ADIBPROPERTIES where she initiated the Compliance and Corporate Governance Departments for ADIB (70 Branches) and its subsidiaries and companies. This includes reviewing all policies and procedures and products that were and are designed in the bank to shift it from a Commercial Bank to an Islamic bank, ensuring that they all comply to local regulations and best practices and also ensuring staff awareness of same. In charge of effectively developing and implementing the compliance program and ensuring that compliance culture is an integral part of the business, in light of the increased local and international laws and regulations, and the more vigorous enforcement of these laws and heightened penalties, where a more visible and effective compliance program is essential to conduct the business. All this needed her in depth experience in compliance function and other banking fields, understanding non-compliance risk, business needs, weaknesses and gaps and designing, developing and implementing the relevant procedures to mitigate risks and fill the gaps while partnering with the management for the achievement of the business goals. In this she was meeting and overcoming the major challenge of effectively addressing questions and concerns and resolving conflicts arising from the local implementation of the Bank’s Compliance Programn while retaining the confidence and respect of management, nderstanding client’s needs and looking for relevant solutions. Ongoing effective coordination and communication with the Regulators, CBE, FRA and EMLCU is an essential part of the daily responsibilities that were professionally fulfilled.
While being a Senior Consultant to the Chairman of the Mortgage Finance Authority, Ministry of Investment, from 2005 till 2009, she was in charge of Internal Affairs which included Accounting and Finance, Administration, Human Resources and Training in addition to Compliance and Corporate Governance, Public Awareness, IT Department, Website and Call Center. She was also certified in the field of Real Estate Mortgage Finance by the Mortgage Banking Association, USA and holds a Real Estate Mortgage Finance Diploma from Wharton University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Also certified in other courses from Mortgage Bankers Association(MBA) of Miami USA and the Shore Bank of USA in Mortgage Finance and Real Estate Finance and is certified as a trainer of said courses and actually runs the training herself to the Banks, Mortgage Finance Companies and market professionals of the field.
She is also specialized in delivering Management courses, e.g. Coaching and Feedback, Practicing Situational Leadership, Brand, Code of Conduct and Compliance. She ran training courses for the L0cal Banks Officials and Financial Institutions through the Central Bank Of Egypt Bank’s Institution and Arab Academy for Banking on Compliance and Money Laundering combating and Real Estate Mortgage Finance. She was also often a speaker in various International and local Conferences promoting Compliance, Money Laundering and Terrorisn Combating and Corporate Governance culture.
Wafaa is a Board member in AdiMicrofinance Company and Cairo National Company for Investment and Security and was an active board member in several Boards e.g. Orient Insurance company, El Shams Company for Real Estate and Mortgage Finance Association.
She was also a member of the Audit Committee, the Governance Committee and the Remuneration Committee (board committees of ADIB Board) in her capacity as the Chief Compliance and Corporate Governance of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Egypt (ADIB) and its companies and subsidiaries.

Malek ahmed ehab Sultan

         Board Member   

Georgia State University MBA, Finance and e-Business focus

Moahmed zaki abd el-latif Nafie

General Manager

Mohamed graduated from Faculty of Economics and Political Science in 1988 and has obtained a postgraduate diploma in investment and Finance in 2000.

Mohamed started as an investment officer in CNIS in 1994. He became in charge of the company’s private equity and trading portfolios since 2006