Asset Management

We know Egypt, we believe in its value.

CNIS has been functioning in Egypt for quarter a century now.

In 1990’s CNIS was the lead asset management player in Egypt with assets under management market share above 6% of total Egyptian market cap. Until ADIB acquisition to CNIS in 2004. In Q42019 the bank handed over the asset management back to CNIS after the big unrealized revenue CNIS attained through direct investments.

CNIS has proven its competency to dig through and allocate hidden gems in the Egyptian market with approximate return on investments 2000%and still not realized, thus CNIS believe in more value investments in Egypt.

CNIS is fully aware of the value in Egypt’s investments, thus will always seek capital partnership to expand its investments. 

Known values to the public isn’t CNIS primary focus, thus the asset management will always be gems’ locator

CN asset management main role isn’t and wont be just allocating decent returns but spotting opportunities. the difference in the two roles is 100%’s and its multipliers.

Being starving for opportunities doesn’t compel siding the given risk, thus CN asset management is adopting highly tech. fundamental/ quantitative model applied by high professionals to narrow the risk on excessive return investments.  

CNIS doesn’t claim an extra ordinary ability of locating and allocating excessive returns, we just know Egypt well and believe in its value.

Why Trust Your Investments Through CNIS!

CNIS has been managing and investing in Egypt for quarter a century now.

In 1990’s CNIS was the lead asset manager in Egypt with assets under management of 100mn USD while Egypt stock exchange market cap was approximately 1.6bn USD which concludes CNIS market sharing to total Egypt stock exchange market cap was 6.2%

After ADIB acquisition to CNIS 2004 and until late 2016, CNIS return on investments valuation grew initially from 5mn USD to 100mn USD 2000%

After EGP floatation late 2016, CNIS increased its stake in most of its investments for cheaper market price to valuation purpose to match resolution. Given rise to more than 100% return on investments 

In Q4 2019 Asset management was assigned back to CNIS with high mandate professionals hiring plan through 2020.

CN Asset Management Research Edge

Egyptian market has never been lacking opportunities but steady competence to dig deep and resolute its hidden values.

In this awareness, CNIS believe exceedingly in research with all of its segments. 

In addition to its research house, CNIS is planning to fashion a supplement research department with all of its segments only specialized in discovering and allocating hidden gems, conditioned not exposed to the public or even other research houses.

“Public relations is offered by many but opportunities is offered by few” quoted by one of CNIS professionals. In this quote, CNIS adopted the prescription to top the market and peers in the smallest period of time possible.

CNIS isn’t looking for immediate returns, thus expenditures will keep rising siding by its books until it reaches its great aim (research accuracy and perfection of 95% or above)

Collecting valuable data: successful research ought not to rely on researcher skills or experience only but collective data as well. Thus, CNIS research will not rely on handed over data only, but will also capitalize on collecting data by its members for accurate, believed and precise conclusion. 

CN Asset Management Born Competent

In Q4 2019 Asset Management was assigned back to CNIS with a start off value book and assets under management

In addition to a highly calipered professionals with experiences in financial markets since 1994, CNIS started immediately the hiring process of financial markets’ pundits with proven recorded track of performance, awards winning and experiences ,especially in managing biggest investment funds in Europe and MENA region.

On the awareness of the big challenge and competition ahead of CNIS in Asset Management arena and to top the market in the shortest time possible. CNIS dedicated a huge spending budget before and in correspondence to mandates assigning to CNIS.

In the privilege of being a part of big banking institution (ADIB), CNIS plans to expand collaboration with the bank to the maximum, by producing and managing joint equity and sector funds with a new element never been presented before in Egypt. This type of investment vehicle would elegize small retail outlay to invest and capitalize on large high-end sectorial groups through mini and micro unit investment.